Friday, August 17, 2018

Week 95 BACK IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 5, 2018

Wow. Welcome home. Sunday was awesome. Man it was so awesome to see everyone again. And it was super funny to see how the members reacted. Lots of them would just shake all our hands going through the motions and just say hello hello hello, and when they came to me they would say hello, then double check, then triple check and be like "AHHHHHHHHH Elder GOON!!!!" haha and lots of people would high five me before they saw my face, and then they would just gasp and stand there. Every one kept asking "how did you convince president to send you back?" or "what did you do to get sent back" I had to push some of the relief society sisters back because they were like "GOON!?!?! give me a hug!" but I couldn’t haha so they just shook my hand for a very long time. It was just so awesome. I’m sure I will remember this Sunday more than my actually homecoming! This sure did feel like a homecoming.

Wow this week was so fast! My new companion is named Elder Kim. He is super super dope and I love him a lot! We got together on Wednesday and got right to work! He is super super fun and a hard worker. The other elders we live with are super awesome! And we all get a long really well. Our area is really doing well, but I am ready to work really hard and get a lot more investigators and work with a lot more members and less actives.

We didn’t get outside a lot this week, but we met with some investigators and they are all pretty good people.

This Saturday I got to go back to my old area for the baptism. It was good to see everyone one last time, many of the members paid such great compliments and really expressed their thanks for my hard work. I really love these people.

This upcoming week we have less meeting and we are going to hit the ground running and I’m not going to stop for 11 weeks. The desire I have to work hard right now is HUGE!

I love you all and hope you have a good week!
Elder Goon

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