Thursday, August 16, 2018

Week 92 이독제독

July 15, 2018

Sorry for the Korean Title this week but I found it fitting... It won't come up in Google translate, but it means "fight poison with poison" similar to what we say in English "fight fire with fire."

This week was the longest week of my life. Who could have thought that in one week you could have the best day of your life and the worst day? And this is not an exaggeration, let me explain.

Monday morning was awesome. I woke up with a little sore throat but not too serious. We went as a mission to a huge park in Seoul and played soccer. I was actually good! And had a lot of fun. I played defense and took home defensive MVP, mainly because all of the good people played forward or midfield. But I got two see two of my very best friends Elder Packer and Morazan. I also saw a lot of other people too! It was raining the whole time but we just kept playing. And we had minimum injuries this time. Regardless very fun day and my team went undefeated going 3-0-1!

Tuesday was great! I woke up a little sore, and my throat hurt a little more...
But I shook it off and when on exchanges with our AP's! I went to the mission office for a third time! Haha and one of my best friend is serving as the office elder right now so it was good to see him. Anyways we got to teach 3 lessons. And one of the people I had taught on a previous exchange. We caught up and it was good to see him again. He will be baptized next Saturday! It was awesome to see he progressed and accepted the gospel. The first time I met him we taught the plan of salvation and now we were prepping him for baptism! Anyways their house was infested with mosquitoes... So that night we got out the electric fly swatted and had some fun hunting them down... That night though... Well it wasn't as bad as what was to come...

Wednesday I woke up and my soar thought was about the same if not a little worse. We did our morning stuff and got outside for a bit. We met a guy that wanted to donate a bunch of suits to our church! It was very kind of him. Well we had district meeting and then headed home to reexchange then had English class and ward mission coordination meeting.

Thursday I woke up. And hated my life. My throat hurt so bad. But the show must go on right? So I got up and we had a pretty good day Thursday. We had weekly planning and a couple appointments. The funnest part of the day was for sure our sports activity. We recently found another basketball on the side of the street so now we can play knockout! So we played first to 5 games and it was a blast! I ended up winning 5-4-4-1. It sure was exhausting though. That night we went and visited a less active and had dinner with him and played badminton with him. I must say eating was not easy and I was really tired.

We'll hear it comes. Friday morning I woke up. Then went back to bed. I woke up in probably some of the worst pain of my life. Not the worst, but bad. My thought hurt so bad. So I went and looked in the mirror. I don't know much about anatomy but there was this huge bump with white dots all over it that I assumed was a tonsil. Well I called our mission president’s wife and she sent me to the hospital. Well the soonest they could get me in was next Friday. So I went to a local clinic. The only problem is since it's not an international hospital they don't speak English. But that was probably the second biggest miracle this week! I understood everything the doctor said. The gift of tongues was definitely felt! Well luckily he used 3 English words. Serious. Infection. And tonsillitis. So anyone who was listening who didn't know Korean would have heard: Korean Korean Korean serious infection Korean Korean Korean serious Korean Korean Korean tonsillitis Korean Korean Korean serious. Well they gave me medicine and told me if it doesn't get better by Tuesday to come back. And then it might be more serious and I might have to get them removed... Which means going home early... That is scary!
We'll after that we went down to a proselyting activity in Pyeongtaek. And then back up to Suwon for an Elders Quorum activity. Then I went home took some medicine and went to bed. Well. Tried at least.
The reason for my title was because the medication fights fire with fire. Intensifies the pain. And boy did it hurt! I stayed up till 1a.m. basically crying to God for the pain to go away. I finally got to fall asleep at 1 and woke right back up at 3. This time I had to get up and drink some honey tea. And it didn't really help. But I managed to fall back asleep for a little over an hour. Well I woke up and just decided to stay up. I cooked some noodles for breakfast and ate 3 bites, enough to count as a meal and then took my medication. I then went in and out of sleep all day. Slept till 12. Ate lunch. Slept till 3:30. Then went over to the church. Then came home and slept.

Sunday I woke up in a little less pain. But still uncomfortable. Well we had church and it was awesome! We had 3 investigators there and a few less active as well. In Sunday school we made cupcakes and the lesson was great! Then we had ward choir. I barely sang haha. Then came home and had lunch and a proselyting activity. Well that drained all of what little energy I had. So we come home and I laid down.

This morning I feel better. From what I can see the swelling had gone down and the pain is significantly less. I don't think I need to go home, but prayers are still nice.

So Saturday was the worst day of my life. But also the best because we had a baptism for Brother Park! And I got to baptize him! It was so special. Brother Park has been awesome and I love him. And a little miracle. My throat was relieved for 5 seconds. Just enough to clearly and loudly say the baptism prayer. It was a great feeling that I will never forget and I am grateful to God for sending us Brother Park and helping us teach him. It was special to see him confirmed on Sunday and the bright shine in his eyes! He is truly a miracle!!!

So I learned that in our darkest most painful moments, there can be pure joy and the light of heaven! I hope you all had a great week and have a good one.

Elder Goon  

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