Thursday, August 16, 2018

week 85! the AMAZING GOON!!!!!!!!!!!

May 27, 2018

Haha the highlight of this week was me performing a magic show. Saturday was Korea's national day of service. Our church has the helping hands organization so our stake had about 300 volunteers that went around an ancient fortress and cleaned up trash and cleaned up the trees and bushes and streets. After wards we had a big meal together and then a big musical performance. We had about 20 musical numbers and they were AMAZING! But the guy in charge wanted me to do some magic. Well he said "if we had some magic that would be perfect!" then everyone proceeded to point to me and said "Elder Goon knows magic!" so I was volunteered and the big day was yesterday. I did three tricks. 2 of them were really hard and I was pretty nervous, but I did everything flawlessly. I think it was just a little hard for so many people to see because we didn’t have a camera or a screen or anything. But overall it was really really good! If you want to see all of the performances our mission president posted it on Facebook. He is KMMS Turner.
So this week was crazy crazy busy! On Monday we went to the zoo. Tuesday was pday. Wednesday we had district meeting. Thursday we had a meeting for the Saturday helping hands activity. And Friday we had to meet and plan for our upcoming zone conference. Then Saturday we had the whole day filled with service and performance then yesterday we had another meeting with stake leaders about missionary work in our zones.
It was a CRAZY busy week and I am so tired. There was one thing that really saved me this week. Recently I have been struggling with a few missionaries in our area. Our personality’s just don’t mix well at all and it had been a little rough. Well I called a member from my first area who is Canadian and a close friend and asked him for advice. He served a killer mission and he is the person that would actually help. Most others would just tell me "you just gotta love em" or "just pray hard" something that I already know and that doesn’t really help. But this member gave me real advice and offered to help in many ways. But he said something that made me so happy and felt much better.
This member is a millionaire, he is very busy at work and is currently in the process of moving all the way across the country and super out of his mind busy. But at the end of our call he said "Elder Goon we go way back, and I love you man. You set it up, give me a time and a place, and I will do anything for you. I will do everything in my power to be there. I’m here for you man. Anything for you Elder Goon I love you."
How grateful I am for friends. For people that love me. So today I want to thank all of my friends, family, and ward family. That should include about everyone who reads this. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving others. You truly make a difference in others’ lives.

Elder Goon

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