Thursday, August 16, 2018

Week 82 new transfer, new companion, new goals

May 6, 2018

I had to say goodbye to Elder Morazan. One of the harder companions I have had to let go. I miss him like crazy.
My new companion is Elder Price. He is from Utah. He is a great guy and very kind and always happy. Other than that not much changed. We got one new sister in the district.
I don’t really know what else to say. Nothing too crazy happened this week. I will tell you one adventure we had. It’s not really an adventure, but our church leaders requested the missionaries stay at the church every weekday from 3-5 just in case someone walks by with interest. Well not many people walk by and it is pretty much a waste of time. So I negotiated it down to only 3 times a week. Well this week we were sitting at the church planning on how to make this very pointless activity turn into something well, productive. As we were prayerfully talking a couple walked up and started playing with our volleyball, I thought "this is what I was born for this is the moment of my whole life and ran over and started playing volleyball with them. We had a great talk and it was the first time since we started this activity 4 weeks ago that anyone has come! It was very exciting!
This week I had an amazing personal study. Well recently with my new desire to wake up and get my day started my studies have been so much better. I studied a bit about the atonement this week. And I have been thinking a ton about forgiveness. And there was something I read that truly struck me. It was from the book the continuous atonement. The author wrote something along the lines of "The atonement is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. I know those words are true. I have been on both sides of the atonement. Where the pain I have felt because of my choices and the joy that I have felt because of forgiveness.
I love our savior Jesus Christ and his atonement, I am grateful for the JOY that it has brought to my life. The peace and the second chances. I have and continue to make countless mistakes every day. I am grateful that those mistakes do not dig me deeper into a pit, but raise me higher towards heaven as i learn from them, move on, improve and become better. I testify that each of you can have this power in your lives! The atonement is for everyone, member or not, vilest of sinners or saints trying to be better!

Elder Goon

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