Thursday, August 16, 2018

Week 80 So glad to be home!

April 22, 2018

This week I had to go on three exchanges! So that means a super fun fast EXHAUSTING week!
On Monday I went down to An-song which is about 2 and a half hours travel.
Then Wednesday I went to my old area Pyoeng-taek which is an hour and a half away, then I went to Song-pa on Friday which is 2 hours away!
With all that traveling and night away from home, it SURE is good to be home again!
So on Monday we had the best activity of all time!!!! We headed to the bottom of our mission and our whole zone played Fugitive! We had 9 teams and 4 were cops and 5 were robbers. We played two rounds and it was so fun! When me and my comp were cops we caught 2 people and when we were fugitives we almost made it but we couldn't split up because we were missionaries which sucks so we got caught haha
Then that night our whole zone served the An-song elders. There are only 2 down here with about 3 active members and a thousand less actives. So we gave each team about 6 families and had them visit all night. President gave special permission to stay out till 10:30 and our whole zone was willing and happy to help!
We saw some great miracles that night and it was so awesome!
Tuesday we came home and get back to work then left again Wednesday. I got to see some of my old friends and members in Pyeong-taek. I miss them so much! I saw an old investigator that is scheduled to get baptized this weekend!~ The light in his eye, the joy in his step, and the peace around him was amazing! From when I was teaching him till now he has come so far and it is so SO awesome!!! I am so happy for him! I know the gospel really can change lives!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday we came home and got back to work. Here is something pretty fun, our bishop wants us to stay at the church every day from 3-5 and wait for the middle school to get out and invite them to play basketball and Ping-Pong and eat ramen. Well it isn’t really working so we are going to announce it over Facebook so we started filming trick shots and cool videos and it was really fun! Hopefully you will see them soon!
Friday I was off again to Songpa and I got to see Elder Packer my old comp and we went to Gangnam for a zone activity so I got to see my old area and I was paired with my old housemate! I love him and we had a great great time together. He is struggling a lot and he opened up to me and we were able to talk and I was able to offer my advice which was great!
Then yesterday we had a great time baking cookies for members and delivering them! This week our mission really wanted to focus on visiting members so we had a fun week! I really REALLY love the Korean People and especially the Members! I have received a promise in my patriarchal blessing that I would find the most joy in members. That is SO true! I love their testimonies and their faith and their love and care!
This week I want to share something that has been on my mind a ton recently! We are having some issues with one of our members because of some missionaries in the past. Without going in to detail I will just said they lied and did something not very integrity like. These recent converts are having a really tough time letting go and forgiving. As we visited with them this week and listened to them express their anger and frustration and disappointment I was lost in my own thoughts!
I thought of the millions of times I have made a dumb mistake or an intentional mistake. All the times I have screwed up and needed forgiveness. And the millions of times that i have received that forgiveness. It broke my heart to see how these members are denying someone that forgiveness, but made my heart joy in a perfect God and a loving and merciful and forgiving God! i felt so strongly Gods love for me, and so THANKFUL for His endless mercy and forgiveness!
I know God loves us all! I am grateful for repentance and forgiveness. I think this was a great theme in conference and something God is trying to tell me and everyone else.
29 Therefore I say unto you, Go; and whosoever transgresseth against me, him shall ye judge according to the sins which he has committed; and if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will forgive him also.
30 Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me.
31 And ye shall also forgive one another your trespasses;
Elder Goon!

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