July 16, 2017
This week was pretty Good.
On Monday we played volleyball! It was Super Fun! Then we
played basketball with a less active member and it was a struggle. Just before,
me and Elder Lydon had ate a lot of junk food. My favorite snack here has
become some chip thing that is like Bugles and there is this milkshake ice
cream that has a tube just the size of the snack! So we fill it with ice cream
and eat it! It is so delicious, but then playing basketball right after that is
not fun!!!!!!!!!! Oh I almost threw up!
Then we went to a meat buffet with our Bishopric! It was
super good! and they were all really impressed with my meat cooking skills! Thanks Elder Ryu for training me so well!
Then Tuesday we just walked around all day and then at the
end of the day had a reward of a buffet of baby back BBQ ribs! Oh man it was
Wednesday we had a fun day and got to meet with a member for
a practice lesson! They fed us a meat buffet as well! They were super cool and
really fun! I really like them and then on Sunday they got called to be family
missionaries so we will be working with them even more!
Thursday we got to meet a new investigator named Ryan. He
lived in Australia for a year and is very good at English! He is a cool dude
and super nice, and seems to be pretty open. Oh yeah and we ate a meat buffet
with him too!!! (can you see a recurring theme for this week?)
Friday we met with Paul again and taught him about the word
of wisdom. He said he really wants to quit smoking and he is open to any
suggestions! So we talked for a bit and then later that week the other Elders
watched the 12 steps to change videos with him and he was really touched!
Also that night we had a meat buffet with another
member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha so much fooooood!
Then Saturday we got to play foot volleyball with the youth
in our ward! It was really fun! They all really wanted to play volleyball
so we raised the net and played! Now the Elders Quorum in our ward is
playing volleyball this Saturday and wants to invite me! This ward is really
starting to love volleyball! Also We had a ne ne chicken party for transfer
calls! Delicious!
Then Sunday we had a pretty good day. It was Elder Miller's
last day so he had to say goodbye and everyone brought him cakes!
Overall a great week! Today we are doing a really big
basketball tournament. 6 teams and I am pretty sure my team can win!
So this week I got to read a really good book by Elder
Holland called However Long and Hard the Road. It is really really good and he
really talked about enduring. He talked about how the road is long and hard for
a reason. We need to stay on the road no matter how long or hard it may get. I
really liked a quote from Elder Holland. He said the outcome of the game is
already decided. Good defeats Evil. God beats Satan. All we are doing is
deciding what jersey we want to put on!
I challenge you all to put on the Good jersey. Put on God's
jersey. As you do you will start a very long and very hard road. But don't quit,
no mater how long and hard!!!
Elder Goon
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