July 9, 2017
This week was amazing! My oh my it was amazing!
So on it has been nonstop raining all week and last night me
and Elder Lydon's 12 year old selves broke out and we just had to play in the
rain. We were at a dinner appointment with two really cool members and on the
way home (about a 30 minute walk) we saw a couch and a really nice computer
chair. And it just so happened that my study chair is missing a wheel so I fall
over a lot haha.... so we decided to carry it home, 30 minutes. and it was
raining, but not just raining it was pouring. Haha it's typhoon season in Korea
and we are right by the ocean.... haha it was so so fun!
Then we dropped of the couches and went back outside to play
in the rain! Koreans are afraid of the rain so they were looking at us like we
were crazy and we said something in Korean that translates something like this
"Hey I heard its raining, I know because I am experiencing it right
now.... haha. They would laugh and it was just a great time!
On Saturday I taught the youth of our ward how to play
volleyball. We played for 5 hours and it was so much fun! They learned fast...
but I cant wait till I can teach someone how to play in English again... haha
most of the time I just said do it like this not this and then showed them! It
was a blast!
Friday me and Elder Lydon went out with some of our English
class members for lunch. They saw our shoes and were so touched and sad and
wanted to fix them, so they walked us to a shoe repair shop and they are all
better now! Elder Lydon's whole bottom of his shoes were off and the side of my shoes
had ripped open! I was so grateful!
On Tuesday we got to meet a guy named Nick. He is super cool
and seems to be pretty open. He really believes in God and is willing to read
the Book of Mormon and pray about it. I wish everyone was willing but oh
So overall an exciting week and it was fun!
But on Thursday I went on exchanges with our zone leader. We
taught a man named Paul. He was from Alaska. We met with him from 2pm-10pm....8
Let me tell you a bit about Paul.
He is half Korean and his mother abused him
He lost his virginity at 11
Started smoking at 12
Started eating to relieve his stress... he is about 350
Got injured at work and almost permanently destroyed his
Got a girl pregnant on a vacation to Korea.
Dropped out of school
Quit his job
Came back and married her.
They hate each other, but he feels like he is stuck with her
because of the kid.
Pretty hard life,,, and he made a couple bad choices and now
he is so overwhelmed and doesn't think his life can be fixed. We met and talked
and ate. He loves rap and so do I so me and him free styled
Then after dinner we started our lesson. About 3 hours long
and he had a ton of questions. A lot of question about the restoration and Joseph Smith. He was so confused. His life was in such a bad place. I was
pretty quiet, he liked to talk a lot and the other Elder talked a lot. By this
time of the day my companion and my zone leaders companion had joined us. So
there were 4 missionaries. Me being a quiet person didn't say much, just
listened. The other elders seemed like they were trying to convince Paul our
church was true. Paul was being a little stubborn. Eventually the other elders
gave up and said we will meet later, let's pray.
Then I said can I just say one thing? Paul said of course,
we had become pretty close and I had acquired a Christ like love for him and so
desperately wanted to fix his life. He said you haven't said anything I would
like to hear what you have to say.
All I did was apologize and bear testimony. He kept saying
how we are saying all the things other churches say, we are right they are
wrong. I apologized for that.
Then told him that the great thing about our church is that
we don't have to convince you. You can know that this is true for yourself. It's
not about whether the other churches are wrong and ours is wrong. We have all
the truth. You don't need to be confused anymore. And the gospel can fix your
The spirit was so strong in the room, even stronger in my
heart and at that moment, more than anytime before I knew the church was true.
As I said those words the confirmation I felt was amazing. I know I know I know
and that is a great thing.
I went home and thanked God for this church, that I am
blessed with all the truth. And prayed for help on letting others know.
Hope you all have a good week!
Elder Goon
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