June 25, 2017
Well well well we meet again eh?
I hope everyone's week was as great as mine!
This week was pretty good... we had a lot of fun and met
some cool people and spent some great time with the members!
So first Monday.... maybe my favorite pday so far! Me and my
companion Elder Lydon, spent the whole day playing catch and talking. That's
it. We just played catch with a football for 4 hours. It was heaven! Then we
rode the subway for two hours to go to our mission home. BECAUSE
on Tuesday we hiked up this mountain in Korea that has a lot
of history and it is kinda like the great wall of china. There was a big war
and the King of Korea fled to this mountain and built a huge 11 kilometer wall! It was cool! It's called 남한산성. Then that night we went to a
super cool members house who served his mission in the United States! they were
very welcoming and we had this soup with delicious pork and it was really
Then Wednesday
Thursday we had our first meeting with an investigator! His
name is Nick and he lived in Ireland for a while so he is pretty good at English! He was really cool... not that I support this but.... Korea has a
drink that you drink so you don't get a hangover and he brought it to Ireland
and advertised it and has a pretty popular YouTube video! He is pretty cool and
seemed very interested! He really knows God is real and recognizes that
everything comes from God! He went to church in Ireland and couldn't even
understand! He just knows God is real so really knows he has to go to
Then Friday we had a really good morning! We taught English
class! Our discussion was tree huggers! So we talked about global warming and
the environment. FYI Koreans are just as bad as Americans in the fact that they
can't talk about politics and environment without arguing! So it was fun
listening to them argue and correcting their English haha!
Later that day we made some calls and scheduled a few people
to meet with in the next few days then got out and proselyted a little
bit! That night there was a big block party that we helped with. We
helped park cars then got a free meal and then got to walk around the party for
a bit!
So in the subway station right by our house there is a bunch
of dance floors and people are always dancing. This night there were some break
dancers and they were doing back flips and head spins and it was pretty cool!
Then Saturday we met with another person named Sik. And he
was so interested!!!!!!!!! Man he like asked us where to read in the Book of Mormon and was so impressed with the word of wisdom. He was really interested
about temples. He was just really really cool and I'm excited to keep meeting
with him. Then later that day we taught the young men and women of our ward the
cupid shuffle and some other dances! It was a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!! Then we did
some service by picking up trash on the side of the streets the whole block
around our church! Then the people that did service decided to play foot
volleyball and so we played with them! There was one member that kept making me
play back and receive. And everyone was praising Elder Morgan because he is a soccer
player and can do like fancy things with his feet. But there was two
handicapped people that were so amazed with me and every time the people would
say Elder Morgan the two guys would say look at Elder Goon! Haha then they
finally convinced the member to let me play attacker and I destroyed every
ball! It was really fun! Then they took us out for dinner!
Then Sunday was a really good day! We are at church from 9-4
in this ward and it is long but really fun! Then that night we went over to our
ward mission leaders house! It is 3 stories and the bottom floor is a 4 star
restaurant!! and they fed us dinner and we did Family Home Evening with
them and it was amazing!!!!!! I love them so much and it was probably the
funnest night of my mission! All his daughters served missions in America so
they are fluent at English and they both go to BYU! They are a great family!
So this was one of the better weeks of my mission! For sure
a lot of fun!
I realized this week how much I enjoy being here. How great
these few years actually are. I really gained a greater appreciation for the
work and a mission.
One spiritual thing my companion taught me this week;
"I do this work because it is what the Lord wants me to do."
For the majority of my life, let alone my mission, I haven't
really had the desire to share this gospel. I enjoy it. It makes me happy, but I have never had a desire to share it and I told that to my companion because
we studied Enos this week and the desire he had to teach his brothers. I told
him I want to have a desire to share, but I'm not sure how to get it.
He told me the sentence above and it taught me so so much.
It's not about us. It never was, never is, and never will be. I think people
struggle with this because it is human nature to be selfish and to not want to
follow rules! That's why people don't join the church or don't stay in it because
they don't want to follow God and listen to Him. They would rather do what they
want to do, then what He wants them to do. And that is true for me... but I
have come to realize that God knows what is best. It only makes sense that some
one all powerful and all knowing knows more than us. Se we need to listen to
him. And for these two years it's not about me it's about God and his work so I
am trying to focus on that!
I love this work and I love this mission!
Have a good week
Elder Goon
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