June 11, 2017
Well this week was full of more goodbyes. Man it was really
really really really really really really really really really really really
really really really hard to say goodbye. On Tuesday and Monday night was non
stop meeting and saying goodbye to members..... I will miss them a lot
But on Wednesday me and my new companion Elder Lydon came
all the way across our mission to open a new area! We are working hard and I
think having a lot of fun... he is a really awesome sincere, nice, kind, dude
and I cant tell yet if he likes me because I am like none of those things! But
we will see. We started getting to work and we have been exploring our area,
learning members names, and trying to find new investigators!
But I mean not much happened this week that I can think of,
we already ate with 3 members this week and had a lot of fun with them! We ate
with our bishop and with a Stake Relief Society member and with a white dude! We had PF Changs too! It's been a long time
Sunday was pretty new. The building is way big and there are
a lot of very strong members! It was really good to be with them and I really
loved singing with them. I felt the spirit very strong as we sang praises to
our Heavenly Father.
Sorry for the really boring week! Maybe this week will be
more eventful!
Till then!
Elder Goon
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