June 4, 2017
First transfer....... very hard to say goodbye. I really
came to love these people more than I love most people at home. A missionaries
love really is something special.
For any of you that care I will be going to Incheon, the place
with the most people in Korea and the airport. ITS a huge city. I will be
companions with Elder Lydon and we will be opening a new area. So we will start
with nothing. Elder Lydon is close to going home, he goes home in December. But
i hear he is the best missionary in our mission.... we will see because I am
pretty sure my current companion Elder Jenkins is the best missionary in the
world! I will miss him a TON!
This week was pretty great. Monday was probably my favorite
Pday I have had. Me and Elder Jenkins were alone. We played basketball and
watched 17 Miracles. He taught me how to shoot and we talked about sports which
was really fun and it was also really relaxing. Then that night we did some
more basketball proselyting. We got someone to come to church because of it!
Other than that this week was pretty plain... we got some
knew great investigators. I think they both have a lot of potential and they
are very friendly. One of them works at a screen baseball place (Korean batting
cages) and he let us play for free and gave us free drinks and chicken! It was
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!! The other one has no religious background at all. So he is like a real investigator. He really truly wants to learn and know.
This week end we had a BBQ with our wards Elders Quorum. It
was like a potluck meat buffet! It was great.... we were in charge of bringing
desert so I made No Bakes. KOREANS DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HIT THEM. They loved and were obsessed with them! Haha it was a fun party and our members are awesome!
Then we got to basketball proselyte again. I really enjoy
it. I am not good at basketball but I jump higher then them all so they
nicknamed me the rebound king haha it is really fun and its really effective. We got 4 numbers and two people out to church because of it! But I heard the
place I am getting transferred to plays volleyball every week as like family
home evening! I hope!!!!!!!!
Well Sunday I had to say goodbye. It was hard. I was surprised by how many members I effected. I really didn't have a clue. But a lot
of people were sad to see me go.
THIS was a real testament to me because I can't speak Korean. Like not at all. But some how I was able to connect with these people. It
testified that God can use me. He can work with imperfect tools, or even tools
that cant even function yet. He can work with all of you!!!!! We are all
imperfect but if we do our best to give ourselves to the Lord, he can use us to
effect and help all of his children.
I hope you all have a good week! I love this church and i
know the gospel is true!!!!!!!!!
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