Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Week 29

April 30, 2017

Well my old companion is gone and my new companions are here! I am still in my first area which is sweet! This is the best area in our mission!

I have our old AP as my companion and we are with a visa waiter. He will be serving in California!

They are both super funny and we are working really really really really really really hard and it is a lot of fun!

So this week. Well I was still super sick so I was dying at the beginning of the week, but now I am ok.

Some highlights for the week:
On pday we had a big mission activity where about 100 missionaries got together and played kickball! It was a lot of fun and we got to be with a lot of missionaries!

After kickball me and Elder Young (my house mate and zone leader)  challenged two Koreans in a game that is like soccer and volleyball combined! We beat them and they were so surprised that they took pictures with us and were amazed two Americans could beat them at a Korean sport!

Tuesday we met with our recent convert who is super super great! literally perfect and he is super handsome. But he doesn't have a girlfriend... so all night we tried to get him a girls number and get him a girlfriend. We ran around looking for a girl he liked and when he was too scared we dragged him to her. He didn't end up getting a number but it was a super fun night! If you can picture two Americans dragging a Korean around and making him talk to girls!

Then Wednesday I got my new companions! We pretty much spent all day going over training and welcome, because Elder Kim is new!

Then Thursday I get a call from our recent convert. He says "guess what Elder Goon?" I say what, he says "I got a girls number" and he was so happy but he was like "I need your help texting her so we will do that tomorrow!" I said ok!

Then Friday we had a really cool faith building experience that I will end with. So we had about an hour and we wanted to try to give out 10 Book of Mormons. Which is a lot because we only give them to people who will take the time to stop and talk and listen. By the way our mission standard of excellence is give 10 Book of Mormons a week, not 1 hour. But we made the goal and were about to start and me and Elder Jenkins were both a little doubtful.

Elder Jenkins said watch how easy this will be. Now in Korea, other churches literally will just stick a pamphlet in your face and say take it. And that happens so much that people just take it and don't try to ignore it or fight it.

So Elder Jenkins went up to this guy and said hey take this, and that is not what we are supposed to do, but he wanted to show how easy it could be. And the man said, I am actually really interested in this book and have been wanting to learn about it for years, can I have two?

We gave him two and got his number and were very surprised.

It boosted our faith and we were able to get our goal that night~!

Well I hope you all have a good week!
Elder Goon

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