April 23, 2017
Hello pals!
Well this week we got transfer calls and I am staying again!
My new companion will be our old Assistant to the President so I am excited and nervous and will learn a ton!
Also I will stay with Elder Young again! He was my zone
leader when I first got here and I have spent almost 1/4 of my mission with
him! He is awesome. Our house will be him, me and our old AP, and a visa waiter
and a new missionary! So I will be in a trio with our AP and a Korean visa
waiter! super excited!
As for this week it was pretty plain. I got pretty sick the
end of this week so that's kind of all a blur.
We did get to meet with a super awesome member on Tuesday! He is the greatest and so funny and kind to missionaries! He is a perfect
member! Super strong and service minded and spiritual! But also has a ton of
fun and it super friendly. He has made my time here awesome!!!!
Wednesday me and Elder Wadsworth went on exchanges then me
and Elder Babbit the following day. We are all young and inexperienced but we
tried our best and saw awesome miracles! I know that God really does take
imperfect people and makes them become what he wants us to become as long as we
give him effort and something to work with!
So we have this investigator that is like 70 years old and
has been playing ping pong for 40 years and plays every day! He has broken his
hip playing and has a limp! We have met with him a few times and he is super
super super super awesome! Progressing well and learning and is really open!
Well on Saturday we are trying to set up a ping pong night
after English class, so we has it a few days ago. He came and played and wow.
He is amazing! Now I'm not bad at ping pong, but I'm also not good. But we played
like 10 games against each other and he beat me 11-2 pretty much every time. and
he didn't even seem like he was trying! Plus you know he is like 50 years older
than me haha! But it was a ton of fun! He is awesome!
Well I will leave with a spiritual thought!
Last Sunday we met with our investigator named Daniel if any
of you remember. He is super awesome! He has been really stressing about work
and life and is going a little crazy you could say.
So we thought to just sit down and read the Book of Mormon
with him and try to commit him to read it a little everyday. We read Alma 38
with him and talked about it. I'll just leave you with his own words
"I have been stressed and in a dark place. My mind has
been clouded by the world. Even in this short time that I studied the Book of
Mormon with you I have been spiritually enlightened and refocused on
He committed to read the Book of Mormon everyday and has
been. I know that book is important. That is why I am in Korea. For those of you
that have been slacking, read it. For those of you who have never read it, read
it. There is great power in that book!
Have a great week
Elder Goon
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