April 9, 2017
Well this week was pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got a new investigator who is like a professional ping
pong player and is super cool!
So Tuesday we had dinner with bishop again!!!! If you
remember he is the patent lawyer that is super rich! We had the same super
super nice delicious meat again! Seriously the best meat I have ever ever ate! It was an amazing night!!!!!
Wednesday we had zone conference which was a ton of fun! We learned about proselyting and teaching simply it was super super super good! I performed a special private musical number for President and Sister Turner! My companion sang and I played the guitar! It was really fun!
Wednesday we had zone conference which was a ton of fun! We learned about proselyting and teaching simply it was super super super good! I performed a special private musical number for President and Sister Turner! My companion sang and I played the guitar! It was really fun!
Then Thursday we had a special guest Mark Peterson. He has a
PHD in Asian culture and religion and has been studying for 50 years. He also
served his mission in Korea! He talked to us about Korean History and religion
and gave us really good insights on how we can connect to the people of Korea! It was really really good!
Then Friday was had a lot of appointments and district
meeting so it was a long day. We visited a member whose wife is less active and
we talked about Christ. I think it was really powerful.
This week end we had the chance to watch General Conference
it was amazing!!!!!! I really really really loved it! It was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
I noticed a very common theme and that is Jesus
I'd like to just add my testimony that I know He lives.
I have had to rely on Him and look to Him and reach for Him and stretch to Him and plead for Him. I know Christ lives. I know He loves us. I am so happy
that I know this gospel and that I know God and what He wants for his
children. I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I love Him and I know He
loves us!
Have a great week everyone! Watch conference if you haven't
and if you already did watch it again because it was amazing!
Elder Goon
Elder Goon
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