April 2, 2017
Well if we are being honest this week was a blur and I can't
remember much of what happened.
There has been a lack of movement in our area. We have 3
potential investigators, but our 4 others we had have been visiting have gotten
really busy and cant really meet. It is really sad :(
But some cool things happened this week. We had another
drunk guy encounter....
We were at Baskin Robins for 31 flavors day and a drunk guy
comes in and I almost knocked him out. Like Elder Young had to hold me back. He
walked in and screamed F U in English and then came up to us and shook all our
hands and then went to Elder Ryu and called him the c word and the b word. Then
he started fake punching Elder Young and hitting Elder Ryu on the head, but
since he is Korean and younger he isn't allowed to do anything.
And then Elder Young told him to leave and he leaned over me to
get into Elder Young's face and I shoved him back. I just kept my head down
because I was so mad he disrespected Elder Ryu. Then he grabbed my glasses
off my face and they didn't even get a centimeter off my face and I grabbed his
arm and went to swing at him, but Elder Young grabbed me arm.
Man I was mad and really close to killing this old drunk
man! (by the way hard liquor is cheaper than water here so that's why we have
all the drunk people! and public drinking is legal!)
But anyways yeah haha then some old grandma smoked in our
church! She left though so we couldn't hunt her down!!! Haha just kidding but
yeah that was crazy!
But then yesterday we met with a member. He was amazing. He
is a multimillionaire at 33. And all he has is a teaching degree.
But I have been struggling as i am sure you all know, and I
did a sincere fast this week asking for help and the member answered my fast
perfectly and he didn't even know! It was a miracle.
He talked about how amazing a mission is. We get to only
think about Christ for 2 years and we get to establish a solid foundation
for the rest of eternity.
I have come so close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I know they are real more than I know I am typing an email right now. They are
real. They live and they love us. I know it.
Have a great week! sorry my emails have been shorter and not
as good I'll do better next week!
Elder Goon
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