Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Week 24

March 26, 2017

WOW this week I have two things to share!!! One, a crazy story and the other, a spiritual one.

So it all started while we are waiting for our bus. We say hi to this man because that what missionaries do, and we quickly realize he is SUPER SUPER drunk. He starts yelling at us and I cant even understand sober Korean let alone drunk Korean. So he is yelling at us then we say in English "Sorry we don't speak Korean we can't understand you." And that made him even more mad! So he started yelling at us even more and this much I did understand he said to me "Come come lets fight" haha well I would have killed this drunk old man! But we quickly got on our bus, and he followed us! He started yelling on the bus how bad of people we are and that we are terrible and then when we get up to get off the bus he elbows Elder Wadsworth in the chest and pushed him out of the way! We were laughing really hard. So we get off the bus and he does too. And he starts following us home, and I guess its dangerous if a Korean is there because he could get in trouble cause respect is a big thing in Korea so we sent my companion home and we (me Elder Young and Elder Wadsworth) led him away. He was following Elder Ryu home but we got his attention and he started sprinting at us and screaming cuss words at us! So we led him away and tired him out... and he calms down, or so we thought...

So he calms down so we cross the street and we see our "friend" some homeless man with no teeth that always asks us for cigarettes! He is super nice and cool and super fun! So we go shake his hand and he had already got some cigarettes so he didn't ask, but then we look back at the old drunk man  is crossing the street yelling at us again and he almost got hit by a car! But then the cops show up and pull me and Elder Young aside and apparently the drunk man said we cussed at him. So we had to explain to the cops what happened. The man denied everything. He was saying we should go to jail and get sent home for being so disrespectful and than the cops said "Wait, why are you guys even here?" We said we were missionaries and they said to the old man "You think missionaries would cuss at you for no reason? These are nice people! Then the old man looked at me and got super close and said" Yeah you look like a nice man, we can go no. Haha so nothing happened but it was super duper fun!!!!!

Now for my other experience.

So on Thursday we were on the subway going to an appointment and we were talking to this ROTC person. All the sudden I got this clearest strongest impression to talk to another man sitting in front of me. I looked at him and said hi but then got to scared and turned away and started talking with the other man. The spirit was literally SCREAMING in my head "TALK TO HIM TALK TO HIM YOU REALLY NEED TO TALK TO HIM" but I was too scared and ignored the prompting.

Then right when we were about to get off he ran up to me and said please please give me your pass along card! I told him I didn't have one but asked for his. He gave it to me and said please please please call me!

It was all in English so I though he just had English interest.. But then we were on our way out of the subway and he ran across the station and yelled please please call me. Where is your church. When does it start. I really really want to go!

I was amazed and humbled and so grateful for this important lesson.

I repented for ignoring the prompting, but was grateful God gave this man the courage to talk to me... something I didn't have.

I learned I can't ignore spiritual promptings. What if he had not talked to me? He wouldn't find the gospel. I realized how much spiritual promptings I have ignored and promised God to always act on them. I encourage you all to do the same.

I testify that the spirit will prompt us to do things we NEED to do, even if we don't want to or we don't know why.

Have a great week!
Elder Goon
p.s. we had a baptism this week, not mine but the other Elders!

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