March 19, 2017
Wow was this week great!!
First I had to say goodbye to some people I had gotten close
with, but I got to keep my companion and house mates which it great!
This week was really busy! We went on splits and taught a
lot a lot of really solid people!!!
So Monday we just went bowling and to a Korean spa
Tuesday we had our service activity, where we teach mental
people English and make bags with them!
Wednesday me and Elder Young were together and we got a new
fridge and we went out and talked to a lot of people! We didn't get much
success, but we tried really hard and that's all that matters! But a grandma did
tell me "handsome boy" and touched my arm! It was great! haha 12 year
old girls always say how cute Elder Young is, but I get the grandmas!!!! whooooohooo!!!!!!!!! Also that same night a guy asked us if we were studying at
basically the best Korean college! I guess our Korean isn't too bad haha!!!!
Friday and Saturday were a blur!!! We had tons of
appointments and meeting and splits and it was very busy!
But Thursday me and Elder Wadsworth were together and we
taught this really young man. He was 12. but he said that his parents were
divorced and he heard if you learn about Jesus you can be happy. So we started
with Moroni 10 4-5. He read it and then said "so I have to pray? how do I
pray?" We told him and he said "Can I pray now?" We said of
course. He prayed in his head for a long time then opened his eyes and said
"Wow, what am I feeling?" I told him it was the spirit!
I asked him to explain how he felt and he said cold and
refreshed and peaceful. He said he prayed about his family and felt super
happy. It was great! we taught the whole restoration and he said "Its a
little weird hearing all these gold plates and angels, but what I felt earlier means
God is real so what else matters? I believe you!"
I know that this boy was prepared. He was humble and willing
and eager to seek Gods guidance. I know if we all are humble and go to God he
will answer us.
I would like to add my testimony to his! God is real so what
else matters? God is real and I know that is true. When hard times come, when
doubts creep in, when we feel overwhelmed, or like giving up on this very
difficult world, remember God is real, so what else matters? He loves us, He
hears us, He supports us, He knows us.
Have a great week everyone!
Elder Goon
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