Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 9. 2018

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week.

This week was pretty plain for us. The major thing that happened was our ward has been going crazy trying to help us get our English class started! I told you about our Sunday meeting right? Well Monday and Tuesday we frantically made a sticker board and Wednesday and Saturday got to work with our ward! Our faithful English class coordinators showed up! We taught them how to proselytizing and by Saturday they were experts!

Unfortunately I got sick on Wednesday night and wasn't feeling better till Saturday. So in those days in between we visited some members and spent some time outside, but I mostly stayed inside and planned/rested.

I got a lot of reading and studying while I was sick. I have been reading the Book of Mormon and New Testament as well as preach my gospel. But recently I have been fascinated by the book published by the church called "saints" they have been releasing a chapter a month in the Liahona, but recently released the whole book and I have not been able to put it down! I am already on chapter 41 and have read over 400 pages this week.

As I read about the miracles and the history of the restored church in the latter days my knowledge, testimony, and appreciation for the early Saints has grown tremendously! As I have read I have felt an undeniable spirit about the stalwart examples and faithful saints. I strongly recommend this book! It's on gospel library! Under church history.

This Sunday was stake conference. My old ward Gukbanjeung put together a choir. I had been practicing with them and got pretty good at the base part while I was serving there. Well they invited me back to sing! So I sat up on the stand with my old ward. As I sat on the stand I got to look out at the faithful saints of our stake. I have served in this stake for 11 transfers, about a year and a half, and have come to love these members. As the meeting closed many Bundang members rushed up to me asking if I had been transferred. They were worried I was leaving them again.

I am so grateful for the members in Korea. They have a strong faith. Incredible love. And I have found so much joy through them. I love them!

I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Goon

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