Thursday, August 16, 2018

Week 87 Funnest day of my mission?!?!?!

June 10, 2018

This week we had one of the funnest activities that I have ever attended. On Wednesday (Korean Memorial Day) our stake rented out a big university and we had a huge sports activity. We divided the stake into two teams, white team and Blue team. I was on white team and the funny thing was that all of the wards on white team were my previous areas! It was awesome to see everyone and to catch up. I love all the members I have met and am so glad that I have opportunities to see them again!
Anyways we had many sports and each ward was to select representatives for each activity. We had; soccer, kickball, badminton, ping pong, volleyball, dodge ball, tug of war, and a relay race. The Members really really got into it and it was awesome! WHITE team killed it by the way! We destroyed in soccer and our bishop annihilated everyone in ping pong. And I was selected to be the representative for volleyball.... we killed everyone. It was so so so fun and really like the best day ever. Our ward prepared a picnic and had cheerleaders and fans and chants and it was so so fun! I’ll try to send some videos if I can… it really was a great experience! My favorite part was the tug of war! It was so intense!!
Also everyone and there dog came and talked to me after the big volleyball match. No one could believe that I was good. They would all come up to me and say "but you’re so short?!" and one member from my first ward said "I hate you, why are you so good?"
So that was extremely fun and a crazy good stress reliever!
This Monday we had a great Pday. Elder Roylance came back to Korea for a trip and we went to lunch with him then went to a big basketball pday. I played for a bit… but I’m not so good so I just played card games with some of my good friends. That night we had a special fireside. A member from my first area who is Canadian came and gave a devotional to our zone. There was lots of problems in our zone and I felt he would help us out a lot so I called him and got him to come speak to us. He is awesome and my very favorite person ever!
Tuesday we had our district meeting and we had a really great meeting with an investigator. He talked about his need for the Atonement in his life. He opened up to us about how the effects of sin are weighing down on him and he is seeking forgiveness. We talked about baptism and he happily and excitedly accepted the invitation to be baptized! I cannot wait! 
Thursday I was on exchanges with Elder Manning. He is serving in my old area and I was able to give him some advice and help him out. He is a great guy and we had a fun time together.
On Friday I went on exchanged with the AP's. One of my very best friends is AP and he and I had a long talk about some things I am struggling with. He was able to help me and listen to me and give me some good advice. And we were able to work really hard and he added some fuel to my fire to work hard till the end!
This week was very busy and very fun!
We saw a miracle yesterday. The past 6 weeks we have prayed every night for new investigators and for investigators to come to church. And after 6 weeks of no new investigators and no investigators at church. In the span of 24 hours we got 2 new investigators and they both came to church. It was a tender mercy.
I know the Lord lives. I have felt him. It’s not even a question of if I believe. I know. He is really guiding us. God loves us and He has a plan for us! Trust him and "all things will work out for those that love God."
Elder Goon

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