Thursday, September 21, 2017

Week 32

May 21, 2017

So this week was great! I got to see my family and I got to meet a lot of new people. 

Our week was pretty bland, just normal missionary work. 

But Tuesday went deep into the country of Korea, it was like a little town in the middle of the forest and mountains! It was cool and reminded me of Oregon! While there we met with some less actives and some people that have the potential to become less active. Trying to bring these people back is really important because me and Elder Jenkins both have people close to us that are less active or were. 

Elder Jenkins sort of guilt tripped them but I really liked what he said, and I will try to remember this after my mission. He said as missionaries we give up 2 years. And all we do is work, pray, fast, study, and worry about people. For two years we do all we can to help members, less actives, and investigators. From 6:30 am-10:30 pm that's all we do. and you don't care. no one cares. you guys won't even take 3 hours out of your week to come to church, and we do this all day everyday for you. 

I really like this for some reason. We do this work and we give it our all and most of the time we get nothing. Absolutely nothing, but it is so worth it! 

Wednesday we had some pretty good meetings! We met with a member, and two investigators! One was fluent at English because she goes to a christian school in America. She had a lot of questions about the trinity. I AM SO THANKFUL that our church has the truth, but that we can actually understand the truth! I mean the trinity is by far the most confusing thing I have ever tried to understand and I took some pretty hard calculus haha! 

But I am so thankful that God and Jesus Christ have bodies like us and are separate individuals. I would have a hard time believing and praying to and worshiping some blob of unknowable energy thing or whatever the trinity is! Not trying to bash people that believe in the trinity, but it just makes me grateful for the true knowledge that we have that was restored through Joseph Smith! 

Then I went on exchanges with Elder Barnes. He is a very young missionary and I really enjoy teaching him and giving him advice! I always have loved that! 

Then Friday something amazing happened!  Me and Elder Jenkins were both having a hard time. Just a mental block I guess. But we weren't really motivated and a little discouraged because we are working out butts off and not getting much. But we had a talk and set some crazy goals and for some reason got so pumped! Like crazy haha! We were running around the house screaming beating our chests, just like people do before a big sports comp! And then we left the house with 40 copies of the Book of Mormon, with a goal to give them all out 3 hours. 

The amazing thing is, we were so excited, but people still ignored us haha. for some reason we just got so pumped and forgot that people still wont listen to us. But we tried hard and managed to give out 25. 

But also that day we were able to meet with Lilly! I don't know if you guys remember but she was our investigator back in January till march, but then got super busy and wasn't able to meet! She met us again and it was awesome! She was so great and remembered prayer! We ate a meat buffet with her and before we ate she put her finger on her nose for nose goes to see who would pray! And we rock paper scissored for who had to say it at the end and she did! Plus the whole night she said stuff like "our church" and "our members"!!! She is awesome

Then we got to spend Saturday with members! We made tacos and got to eat an awesome meal! I love these members so much and love this ward like my own! 

I really love this gospel and know it is true. I am happy to be here, despite of the difficulties and wouldn't change is for the world! 
Elder Goon
PS have a good week

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