Thursday, December 21, 2017

Week 61

December 10, 2017

Woo. This week was very very busy. 

I told you last week we just spent all day everyday talking with people on the street. So this week we almost spent all day everyday meeting with people! We met 5 new people this week and they were all super super super super super super super super super super super super super super awesome people. 

Well on Pday was a day where we just went and shopped at the mall all day. I got a super cool Christmas sweater! haha. The mall we were at was huge and a had a Marvel store that I spent most of my time looking at. 
Tuesday we had two appointments. One canceled but the other guy was super awesome! He was a very successful lawyer and one of his colleges was a returned missionary from Korea! He was a super nice man that seemed to have some interest in the Book of Mormon. He goes to church with his family and is a nice man! 
Wednesday was a Zone conference! I got some good ideas about how to be a better missionary on the street with members and with other missionaries. It was a really good day and I got to see some of my really close mission friends.
Thursday we met as a district to discuss zone conference and what we can do as a district based of the instruction we received. Our whole district has pretty big desires... but as our mission presidents wife said, desires mean nothing unless you act. 
Friday we made a announcement board and met three people! They were named Peter, James, and Sean! Three good friends and we had a really good talk about the Book of Mormon. They wanted to come to church and promised to go to our Christmas party! I'm super excited about them!!! 
Saturday we had weekly planning and a proselyting activity with the district then ate a meat buffet!!! It has been so long and it was soooooo good! 
Sunday we were stuck in meetings all day! 4 hours after church I wanted to shoot myself in the foot!
Now we are about to go play volleyball! Super excited!!!! 

Well pretty good week for missionary work! I have been doing an activity where I study about Jesus Christs life. I read a quote about calming the storm. Of life, literally storms, physical, mental, emotional. And I thought of all the storms Christ has calmed in my life. I know he is the Son of God and our savior! He has the power to calm any storm in our life if we turn to Him. If we do our best, and rely on Christ to make up the rest, no matter what storm hits, we will be able to overcome it! 

I love you guys!!!!!
Elder Goon 

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